A apărut numărul 2 (volumul XII), 2021, al revistei Logos And Episteme. An International Journal of Epistemology, revistă editată de Institutul de Cercetări Economice și Sociale „Gh. Zane”, Academia Română, Filiala Iași. În acest număr apar studii semnate de:
- Christopher T. Buford (University of Akron, „Stranded Runners: On Trying to Bring Justification Home”),
- Filip Čukljević (University of Belgrade, „Why Rip Matters? Reexamining the Problem of Cognitive Dynamics”),
- Jonas Karge (Dresden University of Technology, „A Modified Supervaluationist Framework for Decision-Making”),
- B.J.C. Madison (United Arab Emirates University, „Reliabilists Should Still Fear the Demon”),
- Ryan Ross (Johns Hopkins University, „Alleged Counterexamples to Uniqueness”),
- Michael J. Shaffer (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, „Can Knowledge Really be Non-factive?”) și
- Joby Varghese (Indian Institute of Technology, Jammu, „A Functional Approach to Characterize Values in the Context of ‘Values in Science’ Debates”).
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