Constituting anthrozoology as an autonomous science of the relations between humans and animals

Codrin Dinu Vasiliu


A discursive field of the relation between human and animal has been in place since we had a religious, artistic, historical, political and even philosophical relation with the reality. The Animal has always been our partner “in crime” when attempting to understand nature and symbolical systems. Nevertheless, it has always been about a peripheral theme in defining the human or humanity since such approaches have mostly developed on the following interpretative corridors: what does it mean the fact that we are animals and which is, in the general context of the anthropic environment, our difference from animals. These are the very two lines of debate opened by anthrozoology: life epistemology and nature biopolitics. They also stand for the common grounds where the anthrozoology runs its constituting course as autonomous science. The present approach aims to establish an epistemological region for producing discourses which other sciences should recognize as typical of an autonomous field of research, namely anthrozoology.


Codrin Dinu Vasiliu


Anthrozoology Symposium. Thinking beyond Borders

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Anul comunicării


Organizator principal

Institutul de Cercetări Economice și Sociale „Gh. Zane”