Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences, 11, 1 (2024)

A apărut numărul 1 (volumul 11), 2024, al revistei Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences, editat de Institutul de Cercetări Economice și Sociale „Gheorghe Zane,” Academia Română, Filiala Iași.

În acest număr apar studii semnate de:

Alex Blum, On a Conception of Essence

Patrícia Dudíková, The Idea of Evolution in Transhumanism

John Mizzoni, The Maternal Bond in Ethics and Evolution

Seungbae Park, The Problem of Divine Evaluation

Rajesh Sampath, Ecstatic Temporality and Transcendence in Section 65 of Chapter III and Section 69 of Chapter IV in Relation to Ontological Movement in Section 74 of Chapter V in Division Two of Heidegger’s Being and Time (1927), Part I

Izak Tait, Structures of the Sense of Self: Attributes and Qualities that are Necessary for the ‘Self’

Robert Vinten, Knowledge, Confidence, and Epistemic Injustice

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