Având un profil multidisciplinar, Institutul „Gh. Zane”, al Academiei Române, Filiala Iași desfășoară cercetări fundamentale și aplicate în domeniul științelor economice și al științelor sociale și umaniste.
The TARS Conference was born out of the need of Romanian researchers to assess and promote the economic scientific research portfolio on tourism, to argue and substantiate its Romanian development strategies, and to provide European and international best practices.
The first edition of TARS, originally entitled Turismul rural românesc (Romanian Rural Tourism), took place in 1999. The founder of the conference was "Gh. Zane" Institute for Economic and Social Research.
The 2022 Edition will explore some of the main concerns of both theorists and practitioners on the following topics: rural tourism, agritourism, ecotourism; tourism in the context of sustainable development at national, regional, and global level; traditionalism vs modernism in tourism; national and regional strategies for rural tourism development; tourism management and marketing; e-tourism; etc.
The TARS Conference traditionally approaches the tourism phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective: economics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, ethnography, folklore, law, etc.
Venue & Accommodation
Georgia-Daniela Tacu Hârșan, geo_tacu@yahoo.com
Alina Haller, alina.haller@acadiasi.ro
Având un profil multidisciplinar, Institutul „Gh. Zane”, al Academiei Române, Filiala Iași desfășoară cercetări fundamentale și aplicate în domeniul științelor economice și al științelor sociale și umaniste.