Accesarea fondurilor europene prin intermediul submăsurilor 6.1 și 6.3 din cadrul PNDR 2014-2020 din Regiunea Nord-Est. Analiză intermediară

Lucian Tanasă, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Codrin Dinu Vasiliu


The financing of agriculture and Romanian rural space by PNDR 2007-2013 measures has largely contributed to the boost of agrotechnical performances and to the advancement of the economic and social environment inside the Romanian rural space as well. In the current budgetary exercise within PNDR 2014-2020, the farmers ‘interest regarding the matter of accessing non-repayable funds varies from one region to another, from one county to another and even from one commune to another. In the present paper we intend to run an analysis on the implementing stage of two sub-measures within PNDR 2020, namely Sub-measure 6.1 (Submăsura6.1) and Sub-measure 6.3 (Submăsura6.3) in the North-East Development Region until the first of May 2018 based on the data provided by the Agency for Financing Rural Investments (AFIR). By using R Program for statistical data analysis and QGIS 3.0 for spatial data visualization we have managed to make a re-distribution of results at county and commune level by presenting both the number of projects and the value contracted on each sub-measure.


Lucian Tanasă, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Codrin Dinu Vasiliu


Piețele Agricole și Spațiul Rural în Contextul Modernizării și Simplificării Politicii Agricole Comune

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